「長崎発グローカル人材育成プログラム(GP)」は、県内の大学・短期大学等が連携し、留学生と日本人学生が共に学ぶ(共修)・共に協力し活動する(協働)・様々なイベント等を学生自らが企画運営しつながり合う 学生自主企画活動 を行っています。
“The Nagasaki Glocal Alliance Program (GP)” is a collaborative effort between universities and junior colleges in Nagasaki Prefecture, where international and Japanese students study together (co-curricular activities), work together (cooperative activities), and plan and manage various events and other activities by themselves to connect with each other. The goal is for students from various countries and universities to connect with each other in a friendly competition and have fun while cultivating a foundation to become human resources who can play an active role in the global society and in their respective regions.
We are now looking for more students to join GP and work with us!
Interested students should click on the image below and visit the official website for more information.